Watch The Great "AI Bubble" Debate!
You Can Guess Which Side I Took In Streaming Media's Latest Expert Debate (Hint: I Took Away The Pin)
Shake off your holiday hangover. It’s time for your weekly brAIn dump, special Tuesday edition! First, I feature the “AI video of the week” - an incredible “must watch” video generated by 1 human using only AI 100% (reflecting the "state of the AI-rt”). Next, we go to “the mAIn event” (watch or listen to Streaming Media’s recent “The Great AI Bubble” debate where I sparred with media cartographer Evan Shapiro). And finally, it’s “the AI case tracker” - updates on the key genAI-focused copyright infringement cases (& the growing number of them, including the first AI copyright infringement trial that just got started). Lots of major updates — critical to know — so check them out. And … LET’S GO!!!
I. AI Video of the Week - The State of the “AI-rt”!
Watch this “must watch” video, “The Paperclip Maximizer,” generated by 1 human using only 100% generative AI tools. And who is the human filmmaker behind it all? Hard to say. He goes only by the name “Jeff Synthesized” - with no official “human” profile/bio that I could find (although I was exchanging notes with him via LinkedIn). Here’s his enigmatic LinkedIn page. And his company is also cryptic in its detail. But the video isn’t. It showcases the state-of-the-art sophistication of generative video, and the rapid speed at which it’s developing. Remember, OpenAI unveiled Sora just earlier this year. So while you may have seen this kind of dystopian story told before, you likely have never seen it revealed this way. It’s visually stunning. So watch for yourself.
II. The Great “AI Bubble” Debate Is On!
Everyone seems to be asking the same question: “Are we in an AI bubble?” Will AI — and the hundreds of billions of dollars already invested in it — ultimately be seen as a boon or an overhyped bust? Certainly, Nvidia and Apple don’t think so. Both are in talks right now to invest in OpenAI at an over $100 billion valuation (joining OpenAI’s “investor in chief” Microsoft, which chose that path well before them, but apparently would add more billions to its already $10 billion+ investment).
I recently took on media cartographer Evan Shapiro in Streaming Media’s “The Great AI Debate” (he took the “yes, bubble” side, and I took the “no, not in a long-term bubble” side) - with AI experts H. Schuster of HUSSLUP and Chris Giliberti of Avail also taking turns in all the fun. Streaming Media controlled the knobs, so some got more time to make their case (being a “Minnesota nice” native, I heeded the “5 minute rule”). But you be the judges!
PRESS PLAY below to watch the video below of the FULL debate.
And here’s a short clip of just a portion of my argument that lays out why I don’t believe we’re in a long-term AI bubble (although we may be in a short-term bubble on the VC-backed generative AI side).
Send me your feedback to
III. the AI legal case tracker - updates on key AI litigation
I lay out the facts - and latest critical developments - via this link to the “AI case tracker”. You’ll get everything you need (including my detailed analysis) for each of the cases listed below. Lots of recent legal AI-ctivity. So much you need to know. So little time. I do the work so you don’t need to!
And here’s the bottom line: generative AI companies should get access to the content they need (it’s all just “data” to them) only when they seek consent from — and pay compensation to — the relevant content/copyright owners whose content they scrape. And when they don’t, they will increasingly find themselves in court.
(1) The New York Times v. Microsoft & OpenAI
(2) UMG Recordings v. Suno
(3) UMG Recordings v. Uncharted Labs (d/b/a Udio)
(4) Universal Music Group, et al. v. Anthropic
(5) Sarah Silverman, et al. v. Meta (class action)
(6) Sarah Silverman v. OpenAI (class action)
(7) Getty Images v. Stability AI and Midjourney